Is the path you are on pointless?

Is the path you are on pointless?

The best money (and life) advice comes from conversations with friends and acquaintances. Normal people, not just the experts who write books and host T.V. shows. Of course that stuff is good, but not all thought leaders choose to write books. One friend of ours who recently made radical changes in his life had this […]

003: Copy the thoughts, actions, and attitude of a successful person, and you will become that person! (Podcast)

What would a successful person do? Carrie and I tell The Vocal Booth story! Asking what would a successful person do… It takes the pressure off More likely to make the right decision Less procrastinating. Less doubt and less fear of making the wrong decision. Less personal can sometimes be better. After party story = Dancing […]

Could “debt art” help you pay off your debt faster? It helped these folks.

Could “debt art” help you pay off your debt faster? It helped these folks.

UPDATE! (9 months later…) Love seeing the progress!!! I’ve read (and even said it myself) that what you pay attention to gets better. I believe it’s true. Enter, Debt Art! I’ve seen a few people post what I’m calling ‘debt art’. You know, like one of those fundraiser thermometers at school or church. Cheesy, maybe. But […]