Is the path you are on pointless?

The best money (and life) advice comes from conversations with friends and acquaintances.

Normal people, not just the experts who write books and host T.V. shows. Of course that stuff is good, but not all thought leaders choose to write books.

One friend of ours who recently made radical changes in his life had this to say about the direction his life was going.

I looked at the path I was on and realized it was pointless.



A statement like that might sound defeatist and even a little depressing, but only if you stop there.

This friend of ours took a next-level look at where his life was heading and decided to steer things in a more worthwhile direction. Let’s call him David.

Part of David’s next-level life analysis included a close look at his career and finances. He realized that if he continued down the path he was on he would be trading a lot of time and effort for not much in return. “Pointless” as he put it.

David didn’t want the future he was settling for. He wanted something better.

After deciding what he did want in life, he made changes.

He started with taking control of his budget.

The way he was ignoring his money was a big part of why his path in life was always leading him to a pointless place. He wanted to earn more money, but he also knew if he didn’t take control of his spending that earning more money wasn’t going to change anything.

David started a monthly budget and things got better.

His next move was his career.

He wasn’t happy with his job and the pointless place it was going. The thought of ten more years in that place made him laugh one of those crazy person laughs. David went on a job hunt and found a career that was a much better fit and with better pay.

As David now puts it, “The path I’m on now has a point.”

Sorry if this story scares you. (Not really.)

Wouldn’t you rather know now that you are heading towards a pointless place rather than find out when you get there in 25 years?

Take a next-level look at your career and make sure there’s a point to it all. Don’t just show up year after year for no good reason. It’s not only about the money, being happy at work has massive value too.

Take a next-level look at your money. Where is it all going? Are you on a financial path that “has a point”?


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